From: The Office of the Public Guardian
Your questions answered: Reporting and making changes to your LPA
We receive thousands of phone calls each week from people looking for help and information on the lasting power of attorney (LPA) process. This blog series answers your questions by breaking down the different stages of your LPA journey.
Here we look at common questions about reporting and making changes to your LPA. See also:
Completing forms
Includes signing forms in order
Payments and fees
Includes cheques and applying for remissions and exemptions
Attorneys, witnesses and certificate providers
Includes making a start and who to involve
Using your LPA
Includes reference numbers, activation keys and access codes
When contacting our customer service team via email about an existing LPA please include:
- Donor’s full name
- Donor’s full address
- Donor’s date of birth
- Your relationship to the application
- Your full name
- Your full address
- Reference number (if known)
If you are the donor, please provide information for one of your attorneys. Include:
- Attorney’s full name
- Attorney’s full address
How do I report a death?
You must inform OPG by email, phone or letter and return the original LPA and all certified copies . If the LPA is cancelled following the death of the donor or attorney, the LPA will be destroyed unless you instruct us otherwise. If you wish the LPA to be returned, please provide a return address when sending your documents to us.
You do not need to send the death certificate unless requested to do so in a letter or email. If we do request to see the death certificate it must be the original.
Find more information on our GOV.UK page.
I would like to remove an attorney, how is this done?
If you wish to remove one attorney from your LPA this is referred to as ‘partial deed of revocation’. Please see the information on our GOV.UK page.
Please note it is not possible to add an attorney to an existing LPA. This will require a new LPA to be made.
How can I stop being an attorney, or ‘disclaim’?
An attorney on an LPA can disclaim using an LPA005 form.
An attorney on an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) can disclaim using an EP5 form.
You can find further details about removing an attorney on our GOV.UK page.
How do I update a name or address?
You will need to get in touch to let us know a change of name or address. We will need details of your LPA such as a reference number, name of the donor and date of birth so that we can find your document on the system and update as needed.
Do not change the LPA itself as this will invalidate it. The document remains valid with the previous name and address details showing.
Changes in name work in the same way as a change of address.
Supporting documentation is needed to prove the name change is legal and legitimate. For example, a copy of a marriage certificate or deed poll certificate.
This needs to be sent to us in the post at:
Office of the Public Guardian
PO Box 16185
B2 2WH
Can I use my LPA outside of England and Wales or use an overseas LPA in England and Wales?
Not usually as these documents are governed by laws that only apply to certain jurisdictions. If you want to use your LPA overseas, or use an overseas LPA in England and Wales, you should seek independent legal advice. This includes powers made in other parts of the UK.
Are Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPAs) still valid?
If a person has an EPA made before 1 October 2007, either registered or unregistered, it can still be used. EPAs only allowed people to appoint attorneys to make decisions about property and financial matters, not health and welfare. If someone has already made an EPA and still has mental capacity, they can either replace it with a new Property and Financial Affairs LPA or can keep the existing EPA.
EPAs were replaced by LPAs on 1 October 2007.
Speak to Sussex Will Writers about organising your estate, Will and Lasting Power of Attorney.
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Could you do with some FREE, sound advice on:
- Writing a Will – What do I need and how much does it cost?
- Creating Lasting Powers of Attorney – If I was incapacitated who can act on my behalf?
- Property Protection Trusts – Can these really save Care Home Fees?
- Pre-Paid Funeral Plans – With so many to choose from how do I decide which plan is best?
There is so much confusion on these vital areas of estate planning, that sometimes just a chat with an expert in the field can clear up misunderstanding and set out the way ahead, without all the legal jargon.
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Steve Worsfold
Affiliate Member of the Society of Will Writers
Advising on Wills/Trusts/Probate/Powers of Attorney
Mobile: 07734 744886
Office: 01903 533681
Email: steve@sussexwillwriters.co.uk
Website: www.sussexwillwriters.co.uk
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