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from: The Will Company 

It is common for us to be asked the difference between a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and a General Power of Attorney.

The table below is designed to give you some of the obvious stand out differences. In basic terms, the GPA is used as a stop gap.

This is often-temporary authority if immediate. No registration is required and it can be simple and used straight away.

As an example, if a client is starting to lose capacity, it would allow a chosen attorney to start to sort the donors affairs, whilst waiting the 20 weeks to get the LPA registered.

The important part to note is that once a donor loses capacity, the GPA can no longer be used.

Sussex Will Writers help to inform our clients and readers of the latest industry news and developments. If you have any questions about any of the information on our blog or website, call us on 01903 533681 or get in touch by emailing:

Sussex Will Writers 
T: 01903 533681
M: 07734 744886


Watch our Video Series on Lasting Power of Attorney for more information and advice

Could you do with some FREE, sound advice on:

  • Writing a Will – What do I need and how much does it cost?
  • Creating Lasting Powers of Attorney – If I was incapacitated who can act on my behalf?
  • Property Protection Trusts – Can these really save Care Home Fees?
  • Pre-Paid Funeral Plans – With so many to choose from how do I decide which plan is best?

There is so much confusion on these vital areas of estate planning, that sometimes just a chat with an expert in the field can clear up misunderstanding and set out the way ahead, without all the legal jargon.

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Steve Worsfold
Affiliate Member of the Society of Will Writers
Advising on Wills/Trusts/Probate/Powers of Attorney

Mobile: 07734 744886
Office: 01903 533681





Protecting What’s Precious to You,
Now and in the Future


Sussex Will Writers is proud to support Dementia Friends,
an initiative of The Alzheimers Society


Our business is certified ‘Safe to do business with’ and ‘Code compliant’
by the UK’s largest regulatory body for Will Writers, The Society of Will Writers.
Steve Worsfold has been an Affiliate Member of the Society for 15 years.