Our Services


Dying without making a Will leaves a time consuming and potentially costly mess for your loved ones… even if you don’t have much in the way of assets. If you have children and a property don’t let the State dictate what happens to your Estate.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

If you were unable to make your own decisions regarding your finances and health, who should do that for you? For a growing age group, loss of mental capacity is a major worry.


Do you want your children or others in your Will to lose their inheritance due to your home having to be sold to pay for your Long Term Care Costs? Strategies used by families who have written Wills with suitable Trust wordings can preserve your estate for your loved ones.

Sussex Will Writers is focused on providing

high-quality service and customer satisfaction


We specialise in Will Writing, Probate, Inheritance Tax Planning and Property Trusts.

Asset Preservation Life Time Trusts

The Asset Preservation trust has been designed to hold death in service benefits and death payments from pensions when a policy claim is made.


Probate Service

We offer a professional probate facility that can be used at the appropriate time yet will not hold you to a contract should your clients family decide not to use them.


Safe Will Storage

We strongly recommend that your original signed Will is stored securely in our off site premises.This ensures that the original Will cannot be lost or tampered with and is secured in a fire-proof vault.


Talk To Us About Your Wishes


Write to us today or pick up the phone and talk to us about how we can help you plan for the future