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Health & Welfare LPA’s and Advanced Decisions – What Are They?

Health & Welfare LPA’s and Advanced Decisions – What Are They?

From: The Society of Will Writers  An advance decision is a decision you can make to refuse certain treatment at some point in the future when you no longer have capacity. It is important to clarify that you must have capacity at the time the advance decision is made....
The Benefits of Registering an LPA Straight Away

The Benefits of Registering an LPA Straight Away

From: The Society of Will Writers  Before a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) can be used, it must be registered with the Office of Public Guardian (OPG), which costs £82 per LPA. For a Property and Financial Affairs LPA, the attorneys can act as soon as it is...
Revoking a Lasting Power of Attorney

Revoking a Lasting Power of Attorney

From: The Society of Will Writers  A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document that allows a person (called the donor) to appoint someone they know and trust (called the attorney) to make decisions on their behalf should they become unable to do so in the...
Why Having a Professional Executor is Beneficial

Why Having a Professional Executor is Beneficial

From: Kings Court Trust  When considering the role of an Executor, many people underestimate the complexity and responsibilities involved in administering an estate. This oversight can lead to significant financial and emotional burdens, as illustrated in the below...
The Future of Sussex Will Writers

The Future of Sussex Will Writers

August, 2024A Message from Steve Worsfold From the 1st August 2024, I will be retiring from my role as Principal of Sussex Will Writers. As many of you will know, I retired as a Chartered Financial Planner a few years ago and have now decided that the time is right to...
Fiancée Wins Legal Battle to Amend Will After Solicitor’s Error

Fiancée Wins Legal Battle to Amend Will After Solicitor’s Error

From: The Will Company Nina Angelova has successfully won a High Court case to amend her late fiancé Peter John Bryant’s Will, which had been mistakenly drafted due to a solicitor’s clerical error, as reported by The Law Society Gazette. Bryant, who passed away in...